• Online Adoption/Foster Application for Cats

    Please review the Adoption Policies and Procedures and complete the online form below or download an Adoption Application here

  • Cat Adoption/Foster Application

    In order to be considered for an adoption today, you must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid ID with current address; have your landlord’s name and telephone number (or lease); and be able and willing to spend the time and money necessary to provide training, medical treatment, and proper care for a pet. I understand that this application does not reserve this animal nor does it mean I am eligible to adopt from this agency.

    Check all that apply
    I understand that omission of information and/or failure to answer all questions and sign the application can result in this application being declined. Also, if an omission or untruth is discovered after an adoption takes place, I understand that The Oregon Coast Humane Society(OCHS) reserves the right to annul the adoption and reclaim the animal. I give OCHS permission to fully investigate the information provided as well as contact veterinarians and related officials. I understand that OCHS requires all adopted cats to be spayed or neutered. I agree to provide regular health care for the cat and am prepared to provide for this cat for possibly 12 years or more. I further agree to contact OCHS if I can no longer keep this cat. In addition, I understand the adoption decision is dependent on many factors; including but not limited to, the compatibility of the family and home of the individual animal, and other applications received on this animal. I understand it is OCHS’ prerogative to decide the home that is most appropriate and that their decision is final, and therefore I will not argue with the decision.
    For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 24