• You can help the Oregon Coast Humane Society when shopping in our community and with our online partnerships. From our kennels, medical facilities and food for the animals, you can contribute while you shop!

  • Your Purchases Can Help...

  • Help Pets with Fred Meyer Rewards

    If you are a Fred Meyer shopper, it’s as easy as pie to support the pets at OCHS. Fred Meyer donates $2.5 million each year to nonprofits and community groups in our region selected by customers.

    NOTICE: existing Fred Meyer Rewards customers, you may need to renew! Anyone who signed up and/or selected a charity before June 1, 2016 will need to re-select their charity of choice. The pets at OCHS thank you for giving back!

    All you have to do is link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to OCHS. The more you purchase with your card, the more pets at OCHS will be helped. Here’s how:

    Visit Fred Meyer Community Rewards online and designate OCHS as your charity of choice for the Community Rewards program (enter code #85478).
    If you don’t have a rewards card yet, you can create your card online and then designate OCHS as your charity using the #85478 code.


    You can also get a rewards card at the customer service desk of any Fred Meyer store.

    Selecting OCHS as your charity does not in any way change the benefits you receive by using the card—you still receive your benefits while Fred Meyer also donates to OCHS. Win-win!

  • Shop on AmazonSmile and Amazon
    will donate to the OCHS!


    AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Oregon Coast Humane Society every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Oregon Coast Humane Society. 

    Get started with these easy steps:


    1.) Visit smile.amazon.com. It’s just like shopping on amazon.com.

    2.) Sign in. Simply use your existing Amazon credentials. If you don’t have an account, you can create a new one.

    3.) Start shopping! After you’ve chosen your charity, your shopping experience will be the same as it is on the Amazon website. And there’s no extra cost for you at checkout! Amazon will donate 5 percent of your purchase to the Oregon Coast Humane Society.

  • For every new customer purchase through this site,
    Chewy will donate $20 to Oregon Coast Humane Society.


    • Over 1,000 brands that you know and love
    • Expert pet advice whenever you need it, 24/7
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee on any item
    • Free shipping on orders over $49
    • 30% OFF your first Autoship order

    Shop Now!