• Wish List

    Here is a list of items on our Wish list. Check back often to keep up to date on items we need. Thank you!

  • Cat Supplies

    Wood litter pellets
    Cat toys

    Dog Supplies

    Dog Treats (all varieties)
    Dog toys
    Chew toys / Kongs / NylaBones

    Community Pet Food Bank

    Cat food (wet and dry)
    Kitten food
    Dog food (wet and dry)
    Open bags of food are accepted for the Pet Food Bank

  • General Shelter Supplies

    Bleach (ALWAYS NEED - used daily!)
    Paper towels
    Dish soap
    Laundry soap
    Rubbing alcohol
    Cotton balls / squares
    Heavy duty lawn bags
    Kitchen garbage bags (13 gallon)
    Non-skid bath mats